Welcome to the Kansas Communities Ministry podcasts! We pray these will be engaging, encouraging, practical and Biblical. Please share with others! You can also listen to these podcasts on most podcast platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, etc.
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Podcast listing table
This is a complete listing of all our podcasts to date. You can search (or sort) by key word, speaker, date or topic. Once you've found the podcast you are searching for, note the episode number. Then scroll on the green podcast links in the listing above to find and play that podcast.Episode # | Date | Speaker | Title |
270 | 3/15/25 | David Wooddell | What does Kingdom life look like? Preview of Spring Retreat 2025 Part 2 of 2 |
269 | 3/8/25 | David Wooddell | What does Kingdom life look like? Preview of Spring Retreat 2025 Part 1 of 2 |
268 | 3/1/25 | Mike Jordahl | How do I find the courage to walk through life? Can God still use me despite my sins? Part 2 of 2 |
267 | 2/22/25 | Mike Jordahl | How do I get started in my walk with God? Part 1 of 2 |
266 | 2/15/25 | David Dennis | Why should I grow as a Christian? David Dennis |
265 | 2/8/25 | Mark Scaffidi | Are college students open to the Gospel? Part 2 of 2 |
264 | 2/1/25 | Mark Scaffidi | Are college students open to the Gospel? Part 1 of 2 |
263 | 1/25/25 | Rachel Gibson | What makes collegiate ministry rewarding as well as challenging? Part 2 of 2 |
262 | 1/18/25 | Rachel Gibson | What is collegiate ministry all about in 2025? Part 1 of 2 |
261 | 1/11/25 | David Dennis | What's it all about? The Lifeline Illustration Part 2 of 2 |
260 | 1/4/25 | David Dennis | What's it all about? The Lifeline Illustration Part 1 of 2 |
259 | 12/28/24 | David Dennis | O Little Town of Bethlehem (Re-release) |
258 | 12/21/24 | David Dennis | Is it possible to be certain of our eternal destiny? (Re-release) |
257 | 12/14/24 | Karla and Vivian | (Re-release) How do we keep Christmas celebrations in perspective? Part 2 of 2 |
256 | 12/7/24 | Karla and Vivian | (Re-release) How do we keep Christmas celebrations in perspective? Part 1 of 2 |
255 | 11/30/24 | Richard Spann | What is key about walking with God through the challenges of life? Part 2 of 2 |
254 | 11/23/24 | Richard Spann | Is it possible to rejoice in the midst of trials? Part 1 of 2 |
253 | 11/16/24 | Steve Faltermeier | What are you living for? An example of a changed life. Part 2 of 2 |
252 | 11/9/24 | Steve Faltermeier | What are you living for? An example of a changed life. Part 1 of 2 |
251 | 11/2/24 | Jerry White | Are you ready for the fourth quarter? The need to finish well Part 2 of 2 |
250 | 10/26/24 | Jerry White | Are you ready for the fourth quarter? The need to finish well Part 1 of 2 |
249 | 10/19/24 | Mike Schmid | How does God view me? Mike Schmid Part 2 of 2 |
248 | 10/12/24 | Mike Schmid | How does our image of God affect our relationships with others? Part 1 of 2 Mike Schmid |
247 | 10/5/24 | Mike Schmid | Are you relying on "broken cisterns" for true joy? Part 2 of 2 |
246 | 9/28/24 | Bill Mowry | What is a "gospel conversation"? Part 3 of 3 |
245 | 9/21/24 | Bill Mowry | Can disciplemaking be as simple as taking a walk with someone? Part 2 of 3 |
243 | 9/7/24 | Mike Schmid | Where is true life found? Part 1 of 2 |
244 | 9/14/24 | Bill Mowry | Why is individual attention key to life transformation? Part 1 of 3 |
242 | 8/31/24 | Mark Oelze | What is the relationship between listening and love well? Part 4 of 4 (re-release) |
241 | 8/24/24 | Mark Oelze | How do I truly love my spouse, children and others well? Part 3 of 4 (re-release) |
240 | 8/17/24 | Mark Oelze | How can a believer radiate the love of Christ? Part 2 of 4 (re-release) |
239 | 8/10/24 | Mark Oelze | How do I love my neighbor? Part 1 of 4 (re-release) |
238 | 8/3/24 | Doug Benshoof | How do we move from friendship to spiritual interest? Part 3 of 3 |
237 | 7/27/24 | Doug Benshoof | How do we move from friendship to spiritual interest? Part 2 of 3 |
236 | 7/20/24 | Doug Benshoof | How do we move from friendship to spiritual interest? Part 1 of 3 |
235 | 7/13/24 | James Carter | Jesus: Master Disciplemaker: How can we see the world through His eyes? Part 4 of 4 |
234 | 7/6/24 | James Carter | Jesus: Master Disciplemaker: Why is a ministry team important? Part 3 of 4 |
233 | 6/29/24 | James Carter | Jesus: Master Disciplemaker: How do I increase my compassion for others? Part 2 of 4 |
232 | 6/22/24 | James Carter | Jesus: Master Disciplemaker: How do I increase my desire to move toward others? Part 1 of 4 |
231 | 6/15/24 | Bill | Do you believe the promises of God? Part 4 of 4 (Re-release) |
230 | 6/8/24 | Bill | How does God want to use me in the lives of others? Part 3 of 4 (Re-release) |
229 | 6/1/24 | Bill | How can you use your hobbies and skills to reach people for Christ? Part 2 of 4 (Re-release) |
228 | 5/25/24 | Bill | Are you excited about how God is working in your life? Part 1 of 4 (Re-release) |
227 | 5/18/24 | Larry Beck | Why is it critical to seek to understand God's Word correctly? Part 3 of 3 |
226 | 5/11/14 | Larry Beck | Why is Scripture sometimes so hard to understand? Part 2 of 3 |
225 | 5/4/24 | Larry Beck | Is hermeneutics for professionals only? Part 1 of 3 |
224 | 4/27/24 | David Wooddell | What principles should we follow as we are on mission for Christ? Part 3 of 3 |
223 | 4/20/24 | David Wooddell | What principles should we follow as we are on mission for Christ? Part 2 of 3 |
222 | 4/13/24 | David Wooddell | What would you do if God gave you more time? Part 1 of 3 |
221 | 4/6/24 | James Carter | What motivates you to be on mission for Jesus? Part 3 of 3 James Carter |
220 | 3/27/24 | Larry Beck, David Dennis | Why should I attend the Spring Men's Retreat? Part 3 of 3 |
219 | 3/30/24 | James Carter | What motivates us to move toward someone with the love of Jesus? Part 2 of 3 James Carter |
218 | 3/25/24 | Larry Beck, David Dennis | Why should I attend the Spring Men's Retreat? Part 2 of 3 |
217 | 3/23/24 | James Carter | What is the answer to our need for success and acceptance? Part 1 of 3 James Carter |
216 | 3/21/24 | Larry Beck, David Dennis | Why should I attend the Spring Men's Retreat? Part 1 of 3 |
215 | 3/16/24 | Ron and Mary Bennett | What resources are available for making disciples? Part 3 of 3 |
214 | 3/9/24 | Ron and Mary Bennett | What resources are available for making disciples? Part 2 of 3 |
213 | 3/2/24 | Ron and Mary Bennett | What resources are available for making disciples? Part 1 of 3 |
212 | 2/24/24 | Richard Spann | Why is self-sufficiency not always a good thing? Part 3 of 3 |
211 | 2/17/24 | Richard Spann | Are you in the battle? Part 2 of 3 |
210 | 2/10/24 | Richard Spann | How can I invest in that which is eternal? Part 1 of 3 |
209 | 2/3/24 | Elmo Joseph | Why am I still here? Part 2 of 2 |
208 | 1/27/24 | Elmo Joseph | What is your commission? Part 1 of 2 |
207 | 1/20/24 | Ron Bennett | What is "success" in disciplemaking? Part 3 of 3 |
206 | 1/13/24 | Ron Bennett | What can we learn and apply from first century rabbinical discipleship? Part 2 of 3 |
205 | 1/6/24 | Ron Bennett | Is there a difference between doing a Bible study and making disciples? Part 1 of 3 |
204 | 12/23/23 | David Dennis | The hopes and fears of all the years |
203 | 12/16/23 | Larry Beck | What can God do through an average Christian like me? Part 3 of 3 |
202 | 12/9/23 | Larry Beck | How do I start investing in others? Part 2 of 3 |
201 | 12/2/23 | Larry Beck | Why make disciples? Part 1 of 3 |
200 | 11/25/23 | Richard Spann | How deep is your knowledge of God? Part 3 of 3 |
199 | 11/18/23 | Richard Spann | How deep is your knowledge of God? Part 2 of 3 |
198 | 11/11/23 | Richard Spann | How deep is your knowledge of God? Part 1 of 3 |
197 | 10/28/23 | David Dennis | Are you eagerly awaiting His return? Part 2 of 2 |
196 | 10/21/23 | David Dennis | Are you eagerly awaiting His return? Part 1 of 2 |
195 | 11/4/23 | Elmo Joseph | Who is responsible for making disciples? Part 3 of 3 (re-release) |
194 | 10/14/23 | Elmo Joseph | How do we make disciples in the local church? Part 2 of 3 (re-release) |
193 | 10/7/23 | Elmo Joseph | How do we make disciples through our business? Part of 3 (re0release) |
192 | 9/30/23 | Dave Hastings | What hinders effective prayer? Why do my unanswered prayers cause me to be cynical? Part 3 of 3 |
191 | 9/23/23 | Dave Hastings | What is a “prayer story”? And what do we do with unanswered prayer? Part 2 of 3 |
190 | 9/16/23 | Dave Hastings | Why is prayer sometimes very hard? Part 1 of 3 |
189 | 9/9/23 | Drew Peters | What kind of legacy will you leave? Part 2 of 2 |
188 | 9/2/23 | Drew Peters | What kind of legacy will you leave? Part 1 of 2 |
187 | 8/26/23 | David Dennis | Why should I desire to grow in Christlikeness? Motivations for growth. |
186 | 8/19/23 | Mel Flaming | What are the benefits of a team in disciplemaking? Part 3 of 3 |
185 | 8/12/23 | Mel Flaming | Why didn’t Jesus command us to go “disciple-shipping”? A model for disciplemaker replication. Part 2 of 3 |
184 | 8/5/23 | Mel Flaming | What does a disciplemaker look like? How can we encourage disciplemaking? Part 1 of 3 |
183 | 7/29/23 | Richard Spann | Man to man: What is it? Why do it? (Part B) Part 6 of 6 |
182 | 7/22/23 | Richard Spann | Man to man: What is it? Why do it? (Part A) Part 5 of 6 |
181 | 7/15/23 | Richard Spann | What are some ways we can enhance our prayer life? Part 4 of 6 |
180 | 7/8/23 | Richard Spann | What is prayer and what are some hindrances to praying? Part 3 of 6 |
179 | 7/1/23 | Richard Spann | How does God’s Word shape us? Part 2 of 6 |
178 | 6/24/23 | Richard Spann | What is unique about the Bible? Part 1 of 6 |
177 | 6/17/23 | David Dennis | Why is there a “disconnect” between my intentions and my actions? Part 3 of 3 |
176 | 6/10/23 | David Dennis | Why is there a “disconnect” between my intentions and my actions? Part 2 of 3 |
175 | 6/3/23 | David Dennis | Why is there a “disconnect” between my intentions and my actions? Part 1 of 3 |
174 | 5/27/23 | Pastor Reggie Coe | How can we have peace in the midst of tribulation? Part 6 of 6 |
173 | 5/20/23 | Pastor Reggie Coe | What is meant by “take up your cross:? Part 5 of 6 |
172 | 5/13/23 | Pastor Reggie Coe | Are you ready for meat … or milk? The question of maturity. Part 4 of 6 |
171 | 5/6/23 | Pastor Reggie Coe | What is a proper understanding of what pleases God? Part 3 of 6 |
170 | 4/29/23 | Pastor Reggie Coe | Do you love the gift … or the Giver? Part 2 of 6 |
169 | 4/22/23 | Pastor Reggie Coe | Does God care more about your behavior or your relationship to Him? Part 1 of 6 |
168 | 4/15/23 | Colin | How do we overcome that initial fear of reaching out to others? Part 4 of 4 |
167 | 4/8/23 | Colin | What is a Discovery Bible Study and how can you use it? Part 3 of 4 |
166 | 4/1/23 | Colin | What does ministry to refugees look like? Part 2 of 4 |
165 | 3/25/23 | Colin | How can we impact the world for Christ? Part 1 of 4 |
164 | 3/18/23 | David Dennis | What is meant by “abiding in Christ”? Part 2 of 2 (message at Young Leader’s Development Conference in Wichita, February 18, 2023) |
163 | 3/11/23 | David Dennis | How do we make our career and life count for eternity? Part 1 of 2 (message at Young Leader’s Development Conference in Wichita, February 18, 2023) |
162 | 3/4/23 | Richard Spann | What does a powerful devotional life look like? Part 2 of 2 (message at Young Leader’s Development Conference in Wichita, February 18, 2023) |
161 | 2/25/23 | Richard Spann | What is meant by “abiding in Christ”? Part 1 of 2 (message at Young Leader’s Development Conference in Wichita, February 18, 2023) |
160 | 2/18/23 | Mike Treneer | What is “generational impact”? Part 4 of 4 Mike Treneer |
159 | 2/11/23 | Mike Treneer | How important is relationship in disciplemaking? Part 3 of 4 Mike Treneer |
158 | 2/4/23 | Mike Treneer | What is the power of example, of God’s Word and love? Part 2 of 4 Mike Treneer |
157 | 1/28/23 | Mike Treneer | What powerful tools has God given as we seek to invest in others? The power of prayer. Part 1 of 4 with Mike Treneer. |
156 | 1/21/22 | Ryan and Leah | How do we balance protection and engagement? What is our ultimate goal as we disciple our children? Part 3 of 3 |
155 | 1/14/22 | Ryan and Leah | Who is responsible for the spiritual training of our children? Part 2 of 3 |
154 | 1/7/22 | Ryan and Leah | Why should we disciple our children? What are the motivations? Part 1 of 3 |
153 | 12/31/22 | David Dennis | What is the source of our hope? All history points to Christ. |
152 | 12/17/22 | Michelle | What’s really important in life? Part 3 of 3 |
151 | 12/10/22 | Michelle | Can we always see the impact we are making? Part 2 of 3 |
150 | 12/3/22 | Michelle | How do I create a safe place for people to share their lives with me? Part 1 of 3 |
149 | 11/26/22 | Jonathan Noyes | What is “success” in sharing our faith? Part 4 of 4 (apologetics) |
148 | 11/19/22 | Jonathan Noyes | What questions are people asking today? Part 3 of 4 (apologetics) |
147 | 11/12/22 | Jonathan Noyes | What is the role of apologetics in making disciples? Part 2 of 4 (apologetics) |
146 | 11/5/22 | Jonathan Noyes | Does objective truth exist and why does it matter? Part 1 of 4 (apologetics) |
145 | 10/29/22 | “Bill” | Do you believe the promises of God? Part 4 of 4 (continued from prior series) |
144 | 10/22/22 | Mike Treneer | Do you desire a ministry of power and not just words? Part 3 of 3 (Re-release) |
143 | 10/15/22 | Mike Treneer | Can God use me, despite my weaknesses and missteps? Part 2 of 3 (Re-release) |
142 | 10/8/22 | Mike Treneer | Can you look back and see the hand of God in your life? Part 1 of 3 ((Re-release) |
141 | 10/1/22 | “Bill” | How does God want to use me in the lives of others? Part 3 of 4 (Continued 10/29/22) |
140 | 9/24/22 | “Bill” | How can you use your hobbies and skills to reach people for Christ? Part 2 of 4 |
139 | 9/17/22 | “Bill” | Are you excited about how God is working in your life? Part 1 of 4 |
138 | 9/10/22 | Richard Spann | Are you aiming for the splash or the ripple? Part 5 of 5 (Re-release) |
137 | 9/3/22 | Richard Spann | What really makes a difference in the spiritual lives of others? Part 4 of 5 (Re-release) |
136 | 8/27/22 | Richard Spann | How can I help someone spiritually if I don't have any resources or time? Part 3 of 5 (Re-release) |
135 | 8/20/22 | Richard Spann | Who do you say that I am? What do you want? — The questions of Jesus Part 2 of 5 (Re-release) |
134 | 8/13/22 | Richard Spann | Why is prayer so important, yet often neglected? Part 1 of 5 (Re-release) |
133 | 8/6/22 | Larry Beck | How do I get started memorizing Scripture? Part 4 of 4 |
132 | 7/30/22 | Larry Beck | What are some pitfalls of Scripture memory? Part 2 of 4 |
131 | 7/23/22 | Larry Beck | How does Scripture memory affect our relationships? Part 2 of 4 |
130 | 7/16/22 | Larry Beck | Why is Scripture memory so important? Part 1 of 4 |
129 | 7/9/22 | John Anderson | Are you spending your life — or investing it? Part 7 of 7 |
128 | 7/2/22 | John Anderson | What does it take to be a disciplemaker? Part 6 of 7 |
127 | 6/25/22 | John Anderson | What is “friendship with a vision”? Part 5 of 7 |
126 | 6/18/22 | John Anderson | What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ? Part 4 of 7 |
125 | 6/11/22 | John Anderson | What compels people to sacrificially serve the Lord? Part 3 of 7 |
124 | 6/4/22 | John Anderson | How does a proper understanding of God’s greatness help in our daily lives? Part 2 of 7 |
123 | 5/28/22 | John Anderson | How do our problems compare to God’s greatness? Part 1 of 7 |
122 | 5/21/22 | Richard Spann | What are some practical ways we can encourage evangelism? Part 3 of 3 |
121 | 5/14/22 | Richard Spann | What is the value of individual vs group discipleship? Part 2 of 3 |
120 | 5/7/22 | Richard Spann | How do I get started investing in someone’s life? Part 1 of 3 |
119 | 4/30/22 | David Dennis | How do I get God’s Word into my heart? Spiritual Disciplines: Part 3 of 3 |
118 | 4/23/22 | David Dennis | How and why should we pursue holiness? Spiritual Disciplines: Part 2 of 3 |
117 | 4/16/22 | David Dennis | Do you have a passionate desire to be more like Jesus? Spiritual Disciplines: Part 1 of 3 |
116 | 4/9/22 | Elmo Joseph | Is making disciples the job of church leaders only? Part 3 of 3 |
115 | 4/2/22 | Elmo Joseph | How do we make disciples in the local church? Part 2 of 3 |
114 | 3/26/22 | Elmo Joseph | Is it possible to make disciples in our business? Part 1 of 3 |
113 | 3/19/22 | Joe Stout | How do we put Christ first in our families, business and social life? |
112 | 3/12/22 | Ryan Henderson | Man up! Why is it important to step up to the plate and lead one’s family? Part 6 of 6 |
111 | 3/5/22 | Ryan Henderson | How can a young man develop and follow Godly goals? Part 5 of 6 |
110 | 2/26/22 | Mike Treneer | Why is long-term vision critical in our disciplemaking? Mike Treneer |
109 | 2/19/22 | Chris Majors | What is margin and why is it so critical? Chris Majors on discipleship Part 4 of 6 |
108 | 2/12/22 | Chris Majors | What is your eternal job description? Chris Majors on discipleship Part 3 of 6 |
107 | 2/5/22 | David Dennis | Wisely choosing among competing time demands (continued) Part 2 of 6 |
106 | 1/29/22 | David Dennis | Wisely choosing among competing time demands. Part 1 of 6 |
105 | 1/22/22 | Mark Oelze | How do we best “love well” in a mentoring relationship? |
104 | 1/15/22 | David Dennis | At all times? Under any conditions? When is the best time?; Part 3 of 3 |
103 | 1/8/22 | David Dennis | Who can tell me what to do? New Year’s Resolution: Making Disciples; Part 2 of 3 |
102 | 1/1/22 | David Dennis | What’s Your New Year’s Resolution? Knowing Christ; Part 1 of 3 |
101 | 12/22/21 | Karla, Vivian, David | How do we keep Christ at the center of Christmas? Part 2 of 2 |
100 | 12/18/21 | Karla, Vivian, David | How do we keep Christ at the center of Christmas? Part 1 of 2 |
99 | 12/11/21 | Richard Spann | Why is living with margin so critical, yet so hard to come by? Part 9 of 9 |
98 | 12/4/21 | Richard Spann | Is evangelism an event … or a process? Part 8 of 9 |
97 | 11/27/21 | Richard Spann | Who am I, really? Part 7 of 9 |
96 | 11/20/21 | Richard Spann | How do we keep focus when we are pulled in so many directions? Part 6 of 9 |
95 | 11/13/21 | Richard Spann | Are you aiming for the splash or the ripple? Part 5 or 9 |
94 | 11/6/21 | Richard Spann | What really makes a difference in the spiritual lives of others? Part 4 0f 9 |
93 | 10/30/21 | Richard Spann | How can I help someone spiritually if I don’t have any resources or time? Part 3 of 9 |
92 | 10/25/21 | Richard Spann | Who do you say that I am? What do you want? — The prayers of Jesus. Part 2 of 9 |
91 | 10/16/21 | Richard Spann | Why is prayer so important, yet often so difficult? “Don’t just pray FOR the ministry — prayer IS the ministry.” Part 1 of 9 |
90 | 10/9/21 | Willie Penner | How do you forgive someone who has wronged you? Part 3 of 3 |
89 | 10/2/21 | Willie Penner | Are you watching and looking for God’s hand on your life? Part 2 of 3 |
88 | 9/25/21 | Willie Penner | God is speaking, but how do we listen to the lessons He is teaching us. Part 1 of 3 |
87 | 9/18/21 | Ted Veer | Why is it important to slow down and note the lessons God is teaching us? Part 7 of 7 |
86 | 9/11/21 | Ted Veer | How can we cooperate with the Holy Spirit in making disciples? Part 6 of 7 |
85 | 9/4/21 | Ted Veer | What does God desire of us? Part 5 of 7 |
84 | 8/28/21 | Ted Veer | Where is God in the midst of trials? Part 4 of 7 |
83 | 8/21/21 | Ted Veer | How do I rely on God when things seem to be going wrong? Part 3 of 7 |
82 | 8/14/21 | Ted Veer | How should a believer in Jesus deal with severe anxiety? Part 2 of 7 |
81 | 8/7/21 | Ted Veer | What can God do through a single life sold out to Him? Part 1 of 7 |
80 | 7/31/21 | David Dennis | What is the mark of a mature Christian? |
79 | 7/24/21 | David Dennis | Is it possible to know with certainty where I will spend eternity? Part 5 of 5 |
78 | 7/17/21 | David Dennis | Will every Christian’s eternal experience be the same? Part 4 of 5 |
77 | 7/10/21 | David Dennis | Is heaven really the Christian’s final home? Part 3 of 5 |
76 | 7/3/21 | David Dennis | Do people “get their wings” when they die? Can we be “too heavenly minded that we are of no earthly good?” Part 2 of 5 |
75 | 6/26/21 | David Dennis | What will heaven be like? Won’t heaven be boring? Part 1 of 5 |
74 | 6/19/21 | David Dennis | Why is there often a disconnect between Scripture and worldview? Part 2 of 2 |
73 | 6/12/21 | David Dennis | Why is there often a disconnect between Scripture and worldview? Part 1 of 2 |
72 | 5/29/21 | Richard Spann | How can I trust God to provide when I can’t immediately see what He is doing? Re-lease Part 5 of 5 |
71 | 5/22/21 | Richard Spann | Why should I give up control and trust God to care for me? Re-release Part 4 of 5 |
70 | 5/15/21 | Richard Spann | How is God our Reward (Genesis 15:1) Re-release Part 3 of 5 |
69 | 5/8/21 | Richard Spann | How do I walk in step with God, not running ahead of lagging behind? Re-release Part 2 of 5 |
68 | 5/1/21 | Richard Spann | What does “walking with God" mean? Re-release Part 1 of 5 |
67 | 4/24/21 | Al Ewert | What do we do when we don’t know what to do? Part 6 of 6 |
66 | 4/17/21 | Al Ewert | How do I keep my bearings in turbulent times? Part 5 of 6 |
65 | 4/10/21 | Al Ewert | How do I show genuine love to someone who is different from me? Part 4 of 6 |
64 | 4/3/21 | Al Ewert | Why is abiding in Christ a critical part of of our Christian walk? Part 3 of 6 |
63 | 3/28/21 | Al Ewert | Are you a “do-er” or a “pray-er”? Part 2 of 6 |
62 | 3/21/21 | Al Ewert | How does God call a person to be sold out to Him? Part 1 of 6 |
61 | 3/14/21 | David Case | How does authentic heart change occur? Part 2 of 2 |
60 | 3/7/21 | David Case | How can we rebuild spiritual foundations? Part 1 of 2 |
59 | 2/27/21 | David Dennis | Can I really do an in-depth Bible Study? Part 4 of 4 |
58 | 2/20/21 | David Dennis | What are some practical ways to spend time with God? Part 3 of 4 |
57 | 2/13/21 | David Dennis | Does God really want to spend time with me? Part 2 of 4 |
56 | 2/6/21 | David Dennis | How reliable is that Bible in your hand? Part 1 of 4 |
55 | 1/30/21 | Elmo Joseph, Chris Majors, Art Sauder, Ryan Henderson, John Anderson, David Dennis | How do we spend extended times in prayer? Part 4 of 4 |
54 | 1/23/21 | Elmo Joseph, Chris Majors, Art Sauder, Ryan Henderson, John Anderson, David Dennis | What are some roadblocks in having a daily walk with God? Part 3 of 4 |
53 | 1/16/21 | Elmo Joseph, Chris Majors, Art Sauder, Ryan Henderson, John Anderson, David Dennis | How do I get started with my quiet time? Part two of four. |
52 | 1/9/21 | Elmo Joseph, Chris Majors, Art Sauder, Ryan Henderson, John Anderson, David Dennis | Why is spending personal time with Jesus key to our spiritual growth? Part 1 of four. |
51 | 1/2/21 | Ken Ham | How can a Christian young person prepare for college? Part three of three |
50 | 12/26/20 | Ken Ham | Why are young people leaving the church and what can be done? Part two of three |
49 | 12/19/20 | Ken Ham | Would you like to leave a Godly legacy? Part one of three |
48 | 12/12/20 | Philip Wood | Is there still an openness to the Gospel in today’s culture and world? Part 6 of 6 |
47 | 12/5/20 | Philip Wood | What is the importance of simply being obedient to the Great Commission and investing your life in even a few people? Part 5 of 6 |
46 | 11/28/20 | Philip Wood | How are people more important than programs? Part 4 of 6 |
45 | 11/21/20 | Philip Wood | What would you like to achieve for Jesus so that at the end of your life you will be totally satisfied? Part 3 of 6 |
44 | 11/14/20 | Philip Wood | How do you know how God might want to use you for His glory? Part 2 of 6 |
43 | 11/7/20 | Philip Wood | How should the church today resemble little “Communities of Heaven”? Part 1 of 6 |
42 | 10/31/20 | Don Davis | How is the church like (and not like) Noah’s Ark? |
41 | 10/24/20 | Don Davis | How can a church be more prophetic and less a mirror of society? |
40 | 10/17/20 | Don Davis | What are some ways we can stay on target and walk with the Lord? |
39 | 10/10/20 | Don Davis | What are some examples of the ways God has used TUMI to change people’s lives? |
38 | 10/3/20 | Don Davis | What is the role of the local church in making disciples and how can TUMI help? |
37 | 9/26/20 | Don Davis | How do we reach the urban poor for Christ? |
36 | 9/19/20 | Richard Spann | How do I trust God to provide when I can’t immediately see what He is doing? Part 5 of 5 |
35 | 9/12/20 | Richard Spann | Why should I give up control and trust God to care for me? Part 4 of 5 |
34 | 9/5/20 | Richard Spann | How is God our reward (Genesis 15:1)? Part 3 of 5 |
33 | 8/29/20 | Richard Spann | How do I walk in step with God, not running ahead or lagging behind? Part 2 of 5 |
32 | 8/22/20 | Richard Spann | What does “walking with God” mean (Enoch walked with God)? Part 1 of 5 |
31 | 8/15/20 | Bill Mowry | Why are individual relationships so critical for spiritual growth and encouragement? Part 5 of 5 |
30 | 8/8/20 | Bill Mowry | How can I be intentional without being mechanistic in my disciplemaking? Part 4 of 5 |
29 | 8/1/20 | Bill Mowry | How do I start a discipling relationship with someone? Part 3 of 5 |
28 | 7/25/20 | Bill Mowry | What is your picture of a disciplemaker? Part 2 of 5 |
27 | 7/18/20 | Bill Mowry | How does God use our natural social contacts to reach people for Christ? Part 1 of 5 |
26 | 7/11/20 | Eddie Broussard | How does being a disciple impact making disciples? Part 6 of 6 |
25 | 7/4/20 | Eddie Broussard | What did Jesus mean when He said, “abide in Me” in John 15? Part 5 of 6 |
24 | 6/27/20 | Eddie Broussard | In the midst of hard times, how do I get my eyes on Jesus? Part 4 of 6 |
23 | 6/20/20 | Eddie Broussard | Why does God sometimes lead His children into the desert? Part 3 of 6 |
22 | 6/13/20 | Eddie Broussard | How does God orchestrate our lives to prepare us? Part 2 of 6 |
21 | 6/6/20 | Eddie Broussard | How has Covid 19 impacted international ministry? Part 1 of 6 |
20 | 5/30/20 | Mark Oelze | How can I learn more about listening and loving well? Part 6 of 6 |
19 | 5/23/20 | Mark Oelze | How can I love well by listening well to those to whom we are ministering? Part 5 of 6 |
18 | 5/16/20 | Mark Oelze | How do I show my love for my coworkers, my neighbors and others? Part 4 of 6 |
17 | 5/9/20 | Mark Oelze | How do I truly love my spouse, my children and others well? Part 3 of 6 |
16 | 5/2/20 | Mark Oelze | How can a believer radiate the light of Christ? Part 2 of 6 |
15 | 4/25/20 | Mark Oelze | How do I love my neighbor? Part 1 of 6 |
14 | 4/9/20 | David Dennis | Is this the end? David Dennis talks about the Covid 19 Pandemic |
13 | 2/22/20 | Ron and Mary Bennett | Who me? Make disciples? What are some helpful resources to use in disciplemaking? Part 6 of 6 |
12 | 2/1/20 | Ron and Mary Bennett | How can busy young people build a strong foundation in life? How do I prepare for hard times? Part 5 of 6 |
11 | 1/11/20 | Ron and Mary Bennett | What keeps you motivated to make disciples? Part 4 of 6 |
10 | 12/28/19 | Ron and Mary Bennett | What does it mean to “hear the voice of the Shepherd”? Part 3 of 6 |
9 | 12/21/19 | Ron and Mary Bennett | What does “discipleship” really mean and how can the church implement an effective discipleship ministry? Part 2 of 6 |
8 | 12/14/19 | Ron and Mary Bennett | Is God’s grace really sufficient? Part 1 of 6 |
7 | 12/7/19 | Richard Spann | What does the future look like for the Kansas Communities ministry? Part 7 or 7 |
6 | 11/30/19 | Richard Spann | How does God work in the difficulties of our lives? Part 6 of 7 |
5 | 11/23/19 | Richard Spann | What is the story behind the book series “Goads and Nails”? Part 5 of 7 |
4 | 11/16/19 | Richard Spann | What does it mean to “know Christ in ever-increasing depth? Part 4 of 7 |
3 | 11/9/19 | Richard Spann | How have evangelism and discipleship changed over the decades? Part 3 of 7 |
2 | 11/2/19 | Richard Spann | How do I start a mentoring relationship with someone? Part 2 of 6 |
1 | 10/26/19 | Richard Spann | Lord, what do you want me to do? Part 1 of 6 |