
Our conferences and retreats help us regain focus, provide fellowship and generally encourage us in ministry. They are designed to assist each person in their spiritual journey of walking with our Lord Jesus Christ and encouraging us in our ministry to others. Please join us for these spiritually-enriching times.


2024 Fall Conference

Date: October 5, 2024
Speaker: Mr. Bill Mowry, Navigator Staff
Topic: Walk with Me: Simple Principles for Everyday Disciplemaking
Location: Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Wichita, KS

What if there was an approach to disciplemaking that did not require an expensive curriculum, a paid professional, or a state-of-the-art website? What if there was a process integrated to life, even life in our busy, multi-tasking world?

Jesus did not have a formal procedure we are supposed to follow. He didn’t have a ten-step plan or a calendar of looming deadlines. He just walked with His disciples, ate with them, and shared life with them as they journeyed from place to place. Along the way, He transformed their lives. There’s nothing complicated about it. It’s a simple way of making disciples that we can follow, too.

Veteran disciplemaker Bill Mowry will lead us in looking at the New Testament model of relational, intentional disciplemaking. He will offer important principles for making disciples like Jesus did.

Bill’s message titles are:

1) The Power of Walking with Heart and Simplicity

2) The Power of Walking Slow and Deep

3) The Power of Walking on Mission

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