Prioritize Your Life

PRIORITIZE YOUR LIFE Essential Necessary Good Delegate Eliminate  —  Lorne Sanny      I was challenged by Mike Treneer eight years ago to begin tabulating “goads and nails” from Navigators who had influenced our Kansas Ministry.  The above comments by Lorne were the first to come to my mind.  Of all his comments those of …

Redeem the Time

Redeem the Time      One of the problems that may occur among followers of Christ is our failure to use time wisely.  Lack of certainty in what should be done may be replaced by doing many things.  Work, hobbies, family activities and even church programs all compete for our time.  Sometimes these are done …

Men of Ephraim

The men of Ephraim, though armed with bows, turned back on the day of battle. Psalm 78:9      We know little about this group called “the men of Ephraim.”  It is quite likely that they were noted for their training and ability like the green berets of today.  They also were singled out from …


Our goal is Transformation, not Conformation      Following High School, I left for basic training in the Air Force at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas.  One of my responsibilities as a basic airman was that of being a barracks guard of our building which housed about eighty men.  Once morning inspection was over, I …

Finding Delight

Our lives are defined by those things in which we find delight. Webster’s dictionary defines delight as extreme satisfaction, anything that gives great pleasure, or a high degree of gratification of mind or sense.  The Lord has given us many things to see and do during our earthly sojourn.  He is pleased that we find …

Hebrews 3:13

But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. Hebrews 3:13      We are admonished in this verse to encourage one another in order to prevent hardening by sin’s deceitfulness.  I am not sure exactly how this process develops, but …