Resentment Destroys Its Own Container

Resentment is the only Substance that Destroys its own Container      Resentment is described by Webster’s dictionary as a feeling of indignant displeasure because of something regarded as a wrong or insult.  Resentment is not static.  It smolders.  It grows.  It claims idle thoughts.  It spreads into the whole personality.  Like a malignant growth …

If not me, then who?

 If not me, then who?  If not now, then when?  Lorne Sanny      When Lorne retired as President of The Navigators, he continued the Lord’s work by developing what was to be later known as the Business and Professional ministry.  After turning the leadership of that ministry over to a colleague, he and his …

Aim for the Ripple

Aim for the Ripple, not the Splash. Tom Yeakley      It was a featured article in the church’s newsletter.  For the past year there had been a large number of men attending their presentations, more so than in any other men’s ministry in that state.  The men who attended were always eager to come …

Freely Accept Them

Freely accept them and seek their good. Lorne Sanny      The above words were used by Lorne to summarize in a practical way the teaching found in I John 3:18.  “Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.”  Very often we are left with a fuzzy …