Come Near to God

 Last year I set apart an entire day to come near to God.  I had spent afternoons of four hours alone with God previously, but this was the first time that I had scheduled an entire day with Him.  I did not meet anyone else the entire day except for an employee at Quik Trip.  …

Created to See

         The Lord has created a magnificent universe for us to see and enjoy.  From the smallest flower, (Matthew 6:28) to the most distant star, (Psalms 19:1) it is designed for our pleasure.  Some, however, are born without sight, and others, like myself, are born with poor vision.  I started wearing glasses …

What’s the Hurry?

 Howard Hendricks once commented that we live our lives in such a tight spiral that we honk at our own taillights!  That is an apt description of our times.  When our grandparents missed the stage, they knew that there would be another one next month.  I have literally noticed people who are upset because they …

What’s the Hurry?

 Howard Hendricks once commented that we live our lives in such a tight spiral that we honk at our own taillights!  That is an apt description of our times.  When our grandparents missed the stage, they knew that there would be another one next month.  I have literally noticed people who are upset because they …