Be There!

Wherever you are; BE there. Lorne Sanny   A common phrase heard in our house as our daughters were growing up was “Earth calling Dad.”  I would “zone out,” and be in my own thoughts oblivious to what was going on around me. I wish I could say that such a pattern is behind me …

Thoughts on Leadership

THOUGHTS  ON  LEADERSHIP From Lorne Sanny I was privileged along with many others to hear Lorne speak about leadership on numerous occasions.  One of his messages was based on Psalms 78:72.  Lorne later requested small cards to be printed, capturing the key points of his message.  They are but another example of how the Lord …

The Ministry: Prayer

“Don’t pray for the ministry. Prayer is the ministry.” –Lorne Sanny I find that the above statement of Lorne’s never ceases to challenge me in the area of prayer. I immediately think of all the times that I simply regard prayer as a part of the ministry rather than the ministry itself. Why is it …