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Welcome to the Kansas Communities Ministry!
We are associated with The Navigators®, an international non-denominational ministry. The focus of the Kansas Communities ministry is one-on-one discipleship. We believe that Jesus called the church to make disciples according to Matthew 28:18-20. Our objective is:
“To know Christ in my own life in ever increasing depth, and to make disciples and develop laborers at all times, under any conditions, in every place I go.”
The central idea of The Navigators® is to multiply laborers for Christ. This includes evangelism, following up with new Christians, and helping them mature. The Navigators® calling is “To advance the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of laborers living and discipling among the lost.” Here is information about the history of The Navigators (R)
The Kansas Communities Ministry website is intended as a resource for those involved in ministry who are seeking personal spiritual growth and also who are helping others mature in Christ. In addition, we hope to be of help and a blessing to you in your spiritual walk no matter where you are in your journey.